
Charles is from the Los Angeles area. He has a Bachelors degree in chemistry from UCLA and a Masters degree in chemistry from Califoria State University, Los Angeles. He was employed for about ten years as research chemist. He changed careers to software development and was employed in various Aerospace companies as a software engineer and IT tech. Upon retirement, he obtained a Certicate of Achievement in Web Development, Programming and Scripting from Los Angeles Pierce College. He also has taken about thirty units of web development courses at UCLA Extension. He is proficient in html5, css3, javascript, jquery, PHP, SQL and databases including MySql and Postgres. Certificate


Charles has devoted much of his time to deveping web sites for non profits referred to by Volunteer Match. Many of these were WordPress CMS sites, but he also is proficient in developing websites by hand coding. He ensures that websites he produces are responsive and mobile friendly, and are W3C compliant.

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